Podcasts 2012
Your Lifetime Lawyers and Trusted Advisors for Entrepreneurs, Executives, Founders and Business Owners NationwidePodcast Archive: 2012
Listen to the Podcasts Archives from 2012 Below
Podcast Archive: 2012
Segment 1: Private Equity, Part 2 of 2
Segment 2: Emily Richards, Founder & President of Sade Clarity
Segment 1: Private Equity, Part 1 of 2
Segment 2: Mark Pollak, Amerprise Financial Services, Inc.
Segment 1: Fiscal Cliff
Segment 2: Michael Heller & Sally Lee, Pillar One Consulting
Segment 1: Expatriation Tax Rules
Segment 2: Katharine Giacalone, President KGWorks
Segment 1: Bowles Simpson Proposal
Segment 2: Brent Lorenz, Vice President The McLean Group, LLC
Segment 1: 2012 Tax Planning Strategies Assuming the Bush Tax Cuts Expire
Segment 2: John Allen, CEO of Bluestone Capital Partners
Segment 1: Fiscal Cliff
Segment 2: Clark Kendall, President and Founder of Kendall Capital
Segment 1: Things to be Aware of When you Set-Up & Incorporate Your Business
Segment 2: Kim Natovitz, President & Founder of the Natovitz Group
Segment 1: Life Insurance Planning for Closely Held Businesses
Segment 2: Mark J. Gold, President, The Gold Group, LLC
Segment 1: How to Claim a Deduction for the Business Use of Your Home
Segment 2: Paul Pagnato, Hightower Advisors
Segment 1: Beneficiary Reckless Spending
Segment 2: Ruth Ann Clark, Wells Fargo Commercial
Segment 1: Flat Tax
Segment 2: Andy Smith of the McLean Group, LLC
Segment 1: Top 10 Planning Rules for Managing Your Stock Options
Segment 2: Wendy Ann Payne, Life Stage Transitions
Segment 1: Service Level Agreements
Segment 2: Dave Zangrilli, Odin, Feldman & Pittleman, P.C.
Segment 1: Reps and Warranties Insurance
Segment 2: Marc Wishkoff, Chevy Chase Trust
Segment 1: 9 Little Known Strategies That May Save You Thousands of Dollars in Taxes
Segment 2: David Wexler, CLU, ChFC, Greenberg, Wexler & EIG
Segment 1: Ins and Outs of Business Succession Planning
Segment 2: Brian O’Hear, Calkain Companies, Inc.
Segment 1: Accounting Tips for Start-Ups
Segment 2: LuAnn Dean, President and Founder of PS Charities and President of Professional Solutions
Segment 1: Life Insurance Planning for Closely Held Businesses
Segment 2: Melody Smith, Federal Schedules, Inc.
Segment 1: Top 10 Planning Rules for Managing Your Stock Options
Segment 2: Sarah Cato, First Financial Group
Segment 1: Gifting & Lifetime Transfer Strategies in Estate Planning
Segment 2: Eddie Fam, Impact Marketing & Events
Segment 1: Benefits of Using Phantom Stock Plans
Segment 2: David Adelman, Founder and CEO of Reel Tributes
Segment 1: Prospects for Tax Reform
Segment 2: Lars Okeson, Bernstein Global Wealth Management
Segment 1: Limited Liability Companies
Segment 2: Marissa Levin, CEO Information Experts and CEO Successful Culture
Segment 1: Spousal Lifetime Access Trust
Segment 2: Peter Suyama, Amerprise Financial Services, Inc.
Segment 1: Start-up Equity
Segment 2: Heather Rosen, Franchise Consultant of FranNet of Virginia
Segment 1: Severance Pay
Segment 2: Adam Chafetz, Health Communications, Inc.
Segment 1: Building Relationship Capital
Segment 2: Rick Lesan, Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Office of Frontier Advisors
Segment 1: Top 10 Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
Segment 2: Doug McPherson, McPherson Enterprises, LLC
Segment 1: The Largest Tax Increase in U.S. History, Part 2 of 2
Segment 2: Emily Richards, Founder and President, Sade Clarity
Segment 1: The Largest Tax Increase in U.S. History, Part 1 of 2
Segment 2: Mike Baker, Vice President, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Segment 1: Pros and Cons of Probate
Segment 2: Thomas Seneca, Partner, T.M. Wealth Management
Segment 1: George Cranwell
Segment 1: Things to be Aware of When you Set-Up & Incorporate Your Business
Segment 2: Kim Natovitz, President & Founder of the Natovitz Group
Segment 1: Incentive Trusts & Their Uses in Estate Planning
Segment 2: John Aggrey, Managing Partner of BizGravity
Segment 1: 8 Income Items the IRS Cannot Touch for Income Tax Purposes
Segment 2: Jeremy Farber, President & CEO of PC Recycler
Segment 1: Top 10 Income Tax Deductions People Miss
Segment 2: David Schombert, Founder, President and CIO, Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC
Segment 1: Choosing a Successor Trustee
Segment 2: Sharon M. Snow, CEO, COO, Metropolitan Capital Strategies, LLC
Segment 1: 10 Most Common Asset Protection Mistakes
Segment 2: Richard Lesan, Founder, Frontier Advisors
Segment 1: Non-Tax Estate Planning Mistakes by Attorneys
Segment 2: Jeffrey McCandless, Managing Partner, Stone Harbour Partners
Segment 1: Directors & Officers Insurance
Segment 2: Stuart Ritter, T. Rowe Price Family Finance Expert
Segment 1: Dividing Tangible Personal Property
Segment 2: Leonard Wolf, CPA, The Wolf Group
Segment 1: Picking the Right Trustee & Executor
Segment 2: Gina Murphy-Darling, Mrs. Green’s World
Segment 1: Data Privacy
Segment 2: Paul Gurman, Gurman & Company PLLC
Segment 1: Finding a Qualified Buyer for Your Business
Segment 2: Todd Feldman, Director, CORE Financial Directory
Segment 1: Raising Money for Real Estate Deals
Segment 2: Bradley Howe, Managing Director, Intellisource Financial Services
Segment 1: Five Ways to Keep From Being Sued
Segment 2: Dr. Alan Dappen, DocTalker
Segment 1: Inherited IRA’s
Segment 2: Caroline A. Miller, MAPP
Segment 1: Non-Compete Agreements
Segment 2: Kevin Hanford, Hanford Financial Strategies
Segment 1: Paul Pagnato, Hightower Advisors
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Zell Law
Lifetime Advisors for Entrepreneurs, Executives, Founders and Business Owners throughout the U.S.Our team at Zell Law assists clients in Reston and throughout Northern Virginia, Maryland, the D.C. metropolitan area, and nationwide. Our attorneys have over 35 years of legal experience, and our founder, Wayne M. Zell, Esq., has served as a certified public accountant (CPA) for more than 40 years. Our firm operates as a one-stop-shop for business leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs throughout the United States. We operate at the intersection of business planning, tax planning, and estate planning and can provide you or your company with comprehensive legal guidance and advice. Meeting your needs is our top priority, and we are committed to adding measurable value to your life or commercial enterprise.
Schedule an initial consultation with our team by contacting us online or calling (571) 410-3500.